The General tab in Meld Studio's Preferences allows you to configure essential settings for your streams and recordings. This includes:
- Stream settings
- Encoder settings
- Recording settings
- Screenshots
Stream settings
Add and edit all of your stream outputs. We have dedicated documentation for the Stream settings here.
Encoder settings
The Canvas is the base resolution that defines the dimensions at which your video content is captured, laying the groundwork for your stream or recording.
Meld Studio offers support for a variety of canvas resolutions, including:
- 4K UHD
- 1440p
- 1080p (Default)
- 864p
- 720p
- Portrait 4K
- Portrait 1080p
- Portrait 720p
Set up the Canvas resolution
- Navigate to Preferences → General → Encoder Settings.
- Choose the Canvas resolution using the dropdown menu.
The Output resolution is the resolution at which Meld will stream or record.
Framerate refers to the frequency at which frames are captured/displayed consecutively. Meld supports streaming/recording framerates of 30fps or 60fps.
Configure the Framerate
- Navigate to Preferences → General → Encoder Settings.
- Choose the Framerate using the dropdown menu.
Video Bitrate
Video bitrate represents the amount of data processed per second to determine the quality of your video stream or recording. A higher bitrate ensures smoother playback and greater quality, while a lower bitrate may result in reduced quality, such as pixelation or visual artifacts.
Set the Video Bitrate
- Navigate to Preferences → General → Encoder Settings.
- Choose the video bitrate using the dropdown menu.
Platforms Video Bitrate Support
- Twitch: Twitch supports a bitrate of 3,000kbps to 6,000kbps.
- YouTube: YouTube supports a bitrate of 3,000kbps to 40,000kbps.
- Kick: Kick supports a bitrate of 1,000kbps to 8,000kbps.
- Facebook: Facebook supports a bitrate of 600kbps to 15,000kbps.
Audio Bitrate
Audio bitrate measures the amount of data used to transmit audio per second. Higher bitrates result in clearer, more detailed sound.
Check out the platform's recommendations for Audio Bitrate to ensure compatibility and avoid unnecessary strain on your setup.
Quality Preset
The selected Quality Preset determines the balance between encoded video quality and CPU/GPU resource utilization. The Meld Studio defaults are good for most streaming workloads. However, you can adjust the Quality Preset to optimize resource usage and quality based on your setup and streaming preferences.
We support 7 quality presets for both the NVidia hardware encoder and the X264 software encoder. Unfortunately, the macOS hardware encoder currently does not provide quality presets.
Quality Preset | Description |
Fastest (Low Quality) | Minimal resource usage; suitable for low-end systems. |
Very Fast (Reduced Quality) | Low resource usage; slightly better quality than the fastest preset. |
Fast (Balanced Speed & Quality) | Moderate resource usage; balances speed and quality. |
Standard (Good Quality) | Higher resource usage; provides good quality for most streams. |
High Quality | Increased resource usage; better quality for high-motion content. |
Very High Quality | High resource usage; excellent quality for demanding streams. |
Best Quality (Slowest) | Maximum resource usage; best quality; suitable for high-end systems. |
Set the Quality Preset
- Navigate to Preferences → General → Encoder Settings.
- Choose the quality preset using the dropdown menu.
Hardware Encoder
When hardware encoding is disabled, Meld Studio defaults to using x264.
Meld Studio automatically detects and utilizes NVENC (NVIDIA Video Encoder) when Hardware Encoding is enabled, and a compatible NVIDIA GPU is available.
Meld Studio leverages platform-specific hardware encoders based on your device. This includes Apple Silicon (M1/M2), Intel Quick Sync Video (QSV), or AMD hardware encoders.
Meld Studio will auto-update. Easily check for updates anytime to ensure you're running the latest version.
Check for Updates
- Navigate to Preferences → Updates
- Click the Check for Updates button.
If an update is available you can download it, and restart Meld Studio.
Meld Studio Not Updating
If Meld Studio isn't updating automatically, feel free to reach out to our team for assistance.
The Advanced tab provides access to WebSocket Server settings. Enable this feature to allow external machines or services to connect to Meld Studio for advanced integrations.
Set up your Output device in the Audio settings in Meld.
To make updates in the Audio Output device:
- Navigate to Preferences → Audio.
- Select the output device by clicking on the dropdown menu.
- Restart Meld Studio to apply the changes made.
Smart Guides
The Smart Guides tab lets you customize the Snap guidelines:
- Adjust the Snapping Line Color to a preferred color.
- Set the Snapping Threshold (px) to control alignment sensitivity on the canvas.
The Transition tab to configure the global scene transition:
- Choose from transitions like Cut, Fade, Morph, and Move.
- Adjust parameters like the Easing curve, Transition duration, and other settings.
Scene Transition
To manage your Global Scene transition, navigate to Preferences > Transitions.
Meld currently offers the following transition options:
Instantly switches between scenes without any visual effect.
Smoothly dissolves one scene into another gradually.
Setting | Description |
Transition duration | Sets how long the animation takes to complete. |
Dynamically transforms layers between scenes.
Setting | Description |
Easing curve | Easing curves give you more control over the pace of the animation, allowing you to fine-tune how it transitions over time. |
Transition duration | Sets how long the animation takes to complete. |
Strength | Controls the intensity of the Morph transition, determining how strongly elements transform between scenes. |
Moves layers to a new position during scene transition, creating a fluid animation when switching scenes.
Setting | Description |
Easing curve | Easing curves give you more control over the pace of the animation, allowing you to fine-tune how it transitions over time. |
Transition duration | Sets how long the animation takes to complete. |
Layer reordering mode | Layers are reordered immediately when the transition begins. |
Layer reordering mode
Layers are reordered immediately when the transition begins.
Layers are reordered halfway through the move transition.
Layers are smoothly reordered based on their position throughout the transition.
The Hotkeys provides a list of commands in Meld Studio that can be customized.

Assign Hotkey
To assign or edit a Hotkey command:
- Double-click on the Hotkey field, or right-click and select Edit.
- Press the key combination.
- Press Enter to save the Hotkey combination.
Disable a Hotkey
The disable feature is handy for temporarily deactivating a Hotkey command. To do so:
- Navigate to the Hotkeys tab in Preferences.
- Locate the Hotkey you'd like to disable.
- Click the checkbox on the right to disable it.
- Repeat the process to enable the Hotkey back.
Restore and Remove
Right-click on the hotkey and select the corresponding action.